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What is BAT crypto?

Parakh Srivastava
3 min readAug 30, 2022



In this article, we will be discussing one of the most promising projects for the coming future, BAT. If I say that we can earn a whole amount of money just by surfing the web, as we all know how much we use browsers these days, you all will be surprised, and this is literally happening when we are using BRAVE as a browser to surf. This can be a great investment opportunity for the future, although I always suggest doing some own research before believing anyone else.

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. It is about what I feel and what my perspective is related to this token. Please do your own research before investing in BAT or any crypto.

Brief History:

We always have been hearing about different web versions — web 1.0, web 2.0, and at present web 3.0

Web 1.0 was the conversion of physical books and uploaded onto the internet for reading (for example- encyclopedia).
Web 2.0 was built to track user/customer behavior online. In this phase, Javascript and other coding languages were built, to do the above tasks. Here companies like Google and Facebook jumped upon the opportunity and made a huge amount of profit using their processing systems.
Web 3.0 is the world where the user/customer also gets a voice and a share in the profit if ads are getting displayed to them. Here, privacy is the main issue and it will be taken seriously.

This (web 3.0) is the main philosophy behind the BRAVE browser which you can say as the face of BAT. Below image shows how Brave is a privacy-first browser.

Brave EcoSystem:

Now, there are 3 roles in web. Users, Content Creators and advertisers. Content creators creates contents that will be shown on the web. Advertisers (having target-related ads), will come to that creator and offer say 1000 BAT to make their ad visible on their content. Here comes the user into picture, who sees the content. He/She will have two options, either they can opt for NO ADS, and nothing will be given to them, or they can opt for BAT in exchange of seeing the ads.

This scenario creates a Win-Win-Win situation for all the 3 roles that we just talked about. That’s the reason behind the logo of the token which have a triangle who’s three corners signifies three roles- Users, Content creators, and advertisers.


Brave Browser & BAT ecosystem is solving real-world problems using the concept of Web 3.0, where users can choose whether the ads should be shown to him/her or not. If yes, then can also earn money through the same.

Also, currently Crypto world is facing too many dumps, so my advice is to wait and watch to get them stable, and aggregate BAT accordingly (if you have researched on your own as well).

I hope you have enjoyed the article. Please give a CLAP if this was somewhat helpful for you. Your valuable suggestions are always welcome.
Happy Learning!!!

